Sunday, December 26, 2010

Current week's prediction 27 Dec to 2nd Jan,2011

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)27Dec,10 -2nd Jan,20

ARIES (Mesha)Some concern about source of income persist. Things are looking better on relationship front.Take care of your health & child..Avoid unnecessary driving.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Taurus(Vrisbh) Good developments on professional front are seen. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are their. .Take care of your health.Be carefull abt investments.

Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Gemini(Mithun) Take care of your health. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience.This week good for students, Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits. Avoid new initiatives in property matters.Exercise patience to keep conflicts away.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Cancer(Karka)Sudden conflicts are likely to disturb your professional peace New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons,Take care.Time for caution Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel.

Take care of your health.

Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Avoid New investments.Child and parents need extra care. Some new rewarding business opportunity is also likely.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Virgo(Kanya) Things are Managable on job front. Good developments are likely on professional front. Exercise patience. The health of parents may cause concerns .Take extra care of your health & parents. Continue propitiations for malefic planets. Exercise patience.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Libra(Tula) You enjoy good health.Things are improving.Exercise patience. Some extra expenses are seen. Child needs care and support.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Things are improving on professional front. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace. Handle delays with patience.Haste can cause you injury.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Take care of your health.students are likely to get admn in distant places.Some of you may have to travel.Avoid speculations. Take care of your health.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Capricorn(Makar)Things are managable on professional front.Stress level increaseupto some extant .Keep new business initiatives /Good developments are seen.

Avoid voluntary movements.

Propitiate your malefic planets.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Luck is favouring. The health of spouse and parents need care. Payments may be delayed. Avoid unnecessary travel and speculation.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. . Continue taking care of your health. Avoid haste, conflicts and unnecessary driving. The week is difficult for those who are in foreign lands.Take rest to the extant possible.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

For Consultation,cont:


Vedic Astrologer & Teacher,


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jyotisha: Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19-26Dec,201...

Jyotisha: Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19-26Dec,201...: "Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19 -26 Dec,10 ARIES (Mesha)Some sudden dev.seen on professional front. Things are looking better on ..."

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19-26Dec,2010

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19 -26 Dec,10

ARIES (Mesha)Some sudden dev.seen on professional front. Things are looking better on relationship front.Take care of your health & child. Some concerns about sources of income may persist..Avoid unnecessary driving.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Taurus(Vrishb) Good developments on professional front are their. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen. .Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen for children. Take care of your health.Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Gemini(Mithun) Take care of your health. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits.Keep new plans pending for the time being. Avoid new initiatives in property matters.Exercise patience to keep conflicts away.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Cancer(Karka)Sudden conflicts are likely to disturb your professional peace New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons.Time for caution Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel.
Take care of your health.
Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Avoid manipulations&speculative investments.Child and parents need extra care. Some new rewarding business opportunity is also likely. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Virgo(Kanya) Things are Managable on job front. Good developments are likely on professional front. Exercise patience. The health of parents may cause concerns .Take extra care of your health. Continue propitiations for malefic planets. Exercise patience.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Libra(Tula) You enjoy good health.Things are improving.Avoid new ventures. Exercise patience. Some extra expenses are seen. Child needs care and support.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Things are improving on job front. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.Haste can cause you injury.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Take care of your health.students are likely to get admn in distant places.Some of you may have to travel.Avoid speculations. Take care of your health.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Capricorn(Makar)Good developments are likely on professional front.Stress level increase.Keep new business initiatives /Good developments are seen.
Avoid voluntary movements.
Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Luck is favouring. The health of spouse and parents need care. Payments may be delayed. Avoid unnecessary travel and speculation.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Time is difficult. Continue taking care of your health/spouse. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. The week is difficult for those who are in foreign lands.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

For Consultation,cont:


Vedic Astrologer & Teacher,


Friday, December 10, 2010



E-mail COURSE: DURATION:3-6 MonthsThe facility of learning predictive astrology is offered . Duration of course depends on the time spent by the student in studies & the comprehension ability of the student. There are 2 types of courses 1) FOR BIGGNERS


FOR detail,

Cont: J.K.Sethi

Vedic Astrologer & Teacher



Jyotisha: Free Weekly Prediction for the current week

Jyotisha: Free Weekly Prediction for the current week: "Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)11 -17Dec,10 ARIES (Mesha)Some sudden unfavourable dev.seen on professional front. Things are looking..."

Free Weekly Prediction for the current week

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)11 -17Dec,10

ARIES (Mesha)Some sudden unfavourable dev.seen on professional front. Things are looking better on relationship front.Take care of your health. Some concerns about sources of income may persist..Avoid unnecessary driving.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Taurus(Vrishb) Good developments on job front are their. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen.Take careof your health & relationship matters.The week is difficult for students and those who are in foreign land.
Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Gemini(Mithun) Take care of your health. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits. Exercise patience to keep conflicts away.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Cancer(Karka)Sudden conflicts are likely to disturb your professional peace New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons.Time for caution Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel. Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Avoid manipulations&speculative investments. Child need extra care. Some new rewarding business opportunity is also likely. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Virgo(Kanya) Things are Managable on job front. Good developments are likely on professional front. Exercise patience. Take extra care of your health. Continue propitiations for malefic planets. Exercise patience.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Libra(Tula) Things are improving.Avoid new ventures. Exercise patience. Some extra expenses are seen. Child needs care and support.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Things are improving on job front. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.Haste can cause you injury.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Take care of your health.students are likely to get admn in distant places.Avoid speculations. Take care of your health.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Capricorn(Makar)Good developments are likely on professional front.Better mental peace is likely. Keep new business initiatives /Good developments are seen. Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Luck is favouring. Handle obstructions with patience.Happiness from spouse side.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Time is difficult. Continue taking care of your health/spouse. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. Manage problems in relationship with patience Propitiate your malefic planets
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

For Consultation,cont:


Vedic Astrologer & Teacher,


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If you cannot find the solution"s to your all unsolved Personal/professional problems till date Here is the chance to meet Qualified Vedic Astrologer to solve your problems & make your life better & prosperous Consultation charges in person Rs.1000/- $50 send the payment through Bank Transfer/western union/Paypal/Cheque/Cash by courier & get the answer by e-mail .Send your birth detail. i.e. Date of Birth,Place of Birth to
J.K.Sethi,Vedic Astrologer & Teacher
Indian Vedic Astrologer J K Sethi offers astrology services, Vedic Astrologer, Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrologer, Vedic Astrology Remedies, Astral Remedies, Vedic Horoscope Reading, Vedic Medical Astrology, Vedic Share Astrology, Corporate Astrology, Corporate Brand, Corporate Employee Scan, Black

Friday, December 3, 2010

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)3 -10Dec,10

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)3 -10Dec,10

ARIES (Mesha)Some sudden unfavourable dev.seen on professional front. Things are looking better on relationship front.Take care of your health. Friends may need help.Avoid unnecessary driving.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Taurus(Vrishb) Good developments on job front are their. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen.Take careof your health & relationship matters.The week is difficult for students and those who are in foreign land.
Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Gemini(Mithun) Take care of your health. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits. Exercise patience to keep conflicts away.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Cancer(Karka)Sudden conflicts are likely to disturb your professional peace New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons.Time for caution Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel. Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Avoid manipulations&speculative investments. Child need extra care. Some new rewarding business opportunity is also likely. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Virgo(Kanya) Things are Managable on job front. Good developments are likely on professional front. Exercise patience. Take extra care of your health. Continue propitiations for malefic planets. Exercise patience.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Libra(Tula) Things are improving.Avoid new ventures. Exercise patience. Some extra expenses are seen. Child needs care and support.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Things are improving on job front. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.Haste can cause you injury.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Take care of your health.students are likely to get admn in distant places.Avoid speculations. Take care of your health.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Capricorn(Makar)Good developments are likely on professional front.Better mental peace is likely. Keep new business initiatives /Good developments are seen. Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Luck is favouring. Handle obstructions with patience.Happiness from spouse side.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Time is difficult. Continue taking care of your health/spouse. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. Manage problems in relationship with patience Propitiate your malefic planets
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

For Consultation,cont:


Vedic Astrologer & Teacher,


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)26Nov-2Dec,10

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)26Nov-2Dec,10

ARIES (Mesha) Take care of your Health. Some concerns about sources of income may persist. Things are looking better on relationship front. Friends may need help.Avoid unnecessary driving.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Taurus(Vrishb) Good developments on job front are their. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen.Take careof your health & relationship matters.
Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Gemini(Mithun) The week poses some challenges. Child may bring happiness. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits. Exercise patience to keep conflicts away.Avoid agressive attitude.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Cancer(Karka) Things start looking well on job and personal front. Better energy is felt. New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons. Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel. Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help. The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Fortune is helping.Avoid speculative investments. Child need extra care. Some new rewarding business opportunity is also likely. Avoid speculative investments.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Virgo(Kanya) Things Managable on job front.Take care of your health.Continue propitiations for malefic planets. conflicts and haste. Exercise patience.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Libra(Tula) Things are improving. Students are likely to get admission in foreign universities or in distant places. Eligible bachelors are likely to receive marriage proposals.Some extra expenses are seen. Child needs care and support.The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Things are improving onjob front. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Take care of your health.students are likely to get admn in distant places.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Capricorn(Makar)Luck is favouring.Better mental peace is likely. Keep new business initiatives /Good developments are seen. Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Luck is favouring. Handle obstructions with patience.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Be careful in professional matters. Time is difficult. Continue taking care of your health/spouse. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. Some easy gains are seen. Propitiate your malefic planets
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs

For Consultation,cont:


Vedic Astrologer & Teacher,


Monday, November 22, 2010

Jyotisha: Good fortune is just a consultation away.

Jyotisha: Good fortune is just a consultation away.: "Good fortune is just a consultation away. If you are tired of visiting astrological Centers,performing poojas/Yagyas,Visiting Tantriks/Pandi..."

Good fortune is just a consultation away.

Good fortune is just a consultation away.

If you are tired of visiting astrological Centers,performing poojas/Yagyas,Visiting Tantriks/Pandits/Moulvis,Baba/shahji/ Soofi ,doing meditationns & not gain any relief from your problems.

Get permanent solution for all your personal/professiona problems.

Vedic Astrologer & Teacher

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19-25 Nov,10

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)19-25 Nov,10

ARIES (Mesha) Take care of your Job matters. Some concerns about sources of income may persist. The health of the child may cause concerns. Friends may need help.Things are improving in the matter of relationship.

Taurus(Vrishb) Good developments on job front are their. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen.Take careof your health & relationship matters.
Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.

Gemini(Mithun) The week poses some challenges. Child may bring happiness. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits. Exercise patience to keep conflicts away.

Cancer(Karka) Things start looking well on job and personal front. Better energy is felt. New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons. Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel. Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help.

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Fortune is helping.Avoid speculative investments. Child need extra care. Avoid speculative investments.

Virgo(Kanya) Things Managable on job &health front.Continue propitiations for malefic planets. conflicts and haste. Exercise patience.

Libra(Tula) Things are improving. Students are likely to get admission in foreign universities or in distant places. Eligible bachelors are likely to receive marriage proposals.Some extra expenses are seen. Take care of child.

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Things are improving onjob front. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Take care of your health.students are likely to get admn in distant places.

Capricorn(Makar)Luck is favouring.Better mental peace is likely. Keep new business initiatives /Good developments are seen. Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Luck is favouring. Handle obstructions with patience.


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Be careful in professional matters. Time is difficult. Continue taking care of your health/spouse. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. Some easy gains are seen. Propitiate your malefic planets


Vedic Astrologer & Teache,


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)11-18 Nov,10

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)11-18 Nov,10

ARIES (Mesha) Take care of your Job matters. Some concerns about sources of income may persist. The health of the child may cause concerns. Friends may need help

Taurus(Vrishb) Good developments on job front are their. Some additional expenses, obstructions and stress are seen.

Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.

Gemini(Mithun) The week poses some challenges. Child may bring happiness. Keep conflicts away by exercising patience.Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits.

Cancer(Karka) Things start looking well on job and personal front. Better energy is felt. New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons. Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel. Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help.

Leo(Simha) You are able to manage the obstructions. Fortune is helping.Avoid speculative investments. Difficult time for students. Social interaction increases

Virgo(Kanya) Things start looking well on job and health front.Continue propitiations for malefic planets. Avoid unnecessary driving, conflicts and haste. Exercise patience.

Libra(Tula) Things are improving. Students are likely to get admission in foreign universities or in distant places. Eligible bachelors are likely to receive marriage proposals.Child needs continued care. Take care of your health.

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Some unfavorable dev.are seen on job front.Things are moving slow. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.

Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Take care of your health.

Capricorn(Makar) Better mental peace is likely. Keep new business initiatives seen. Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some of you may get new rewarding business opportunity.Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.Handle obstructions with patience.


Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Be careful in professional matters. Time is difficult. Continue taking care of your health. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. Take rest to the extent possible. Propitiate your malefic planets


Vedic Astrologer & Teache,


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna(Asdt)2-10Nov,10

Weekly Predictions as per Lagna(Asdt)2-10Nov,10

ARIES (Mesha) Take care of your Job matters & exercise patience. Some concerns about sources of income may persist. The health of the child may cause concerns. Friends may need help.

Taurus(Vrishb) Some additional expenses & stress are their. There may be temporary separation for married people. Better avoid unnecessary driving. Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu Jup are likely to be helpful.

Gemini(Mithun) Good developments are expected on emotional front. Child may bring happiness. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits. The week poses some challenges.

Cancer(Karka) Take care of job & relationship. . New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons. Avoid long journeys, and unnecessary travel. Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu, Saturn and Ketu are likely to help.

Leo(Simha) Things are improving. You are able to manage the obstructions. Child may need extra care. Avoid speculative investments. Difficult time for students. Social interaction increases.

Virgo(Kanya) Unfavorable things are seen on professional front Take care. Take care of ur health Continue propitiations for malefic planets. Avoid unnecessary driving, conflicts and haste. Exercise patience.

Libra(Tula) Things are improving. Students are likely to get admission in foreign universities or in distant places. Some extra expenses are seen. Manage conflicts with patience. Child needs continued care. Take care of your health.

(Scorpio) Vrischik: Some unfavorable dev.are seen on job front.Things are moving slow. Health needs due care. Arguments / conflicts will disturb your mental peace, threaten your income / job and spoil relations. Handle delays with patience.
Sagittarious(Dhanu) Some additional financial gains/opportunities are seen. Friends are helpful. Child brings happiness. Good for spiritual development and meditation. Take care of your health.

Capricorn(Makar) Better mental peace is likely. Keep new business initiatives pending. Propitiate your malefic planets.Things are manageable.

Aquarious(Kumbha) Some gains are likely Handle obstructions with patience. Avoid unnecessary journeys and driving.
Pisces(Meen) Be careful in professional matters. Time difficult for those who are in foreign lands. Manage problems in marital relationship with patience. Continue taking care of your health. Health of spouse is also likely to cause concerns. Avoid haste, conflicts, temptations and unnecessary driving. Take rest to the extent possible. Propitiate your malefic planets.

Vedic Astrologer & Teacher
